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One of Life's Simple Pleasures

We sell a variety of High Quality Beef, Lamb, Chicken, Pork and Smoked Products. 

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Our Butchershop

Back in the day in 2014, with a lack of good beef around in Lombok, The Cowshed started out with the idea of dry aging local cattle and making some awesome burgers, sausages etc. because who doesn't crave a good steak or burger once living in Indonesia for a while. We know we do!


Supply and price stability of local cattle was difficult so we decided to see where the best import beef in Indonesia comes from. We believe we have found it.


The cattle comes from Australia and gets excellent nutrition and lives in a clean and stress free environment. Which in its turn makes the beef Juicy, Tender and Flavourful. 

Cattle Herders
Butcher Hanging Beef



When sourcing our products we keep a couple of things in mind.

We believe that great quality meat is a result of proper nutrition and living conditions in a stress free and clean environment. Only that way will the beef be juicy, tender and flavourful.


We have found a supplier that thicks all these boxes and the proof is, it is hard to find beef in Indonesia that is better than the beef we currently sell!


This counts for the Pork, Lamb and Chicken products as well.

Jump Start Your Day with a High Protein Breakfast

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